Spine and Orthopedic Center - Spine Surgeon in Delhi

One of the original specialties service for spine or orthopedic organized at Spine and Orthopedic Center in Delhi by the Dr.K.C. Mishra & Dr. D.P Mishra Orthodelhi Center is equipped with the latest surgical instruments and supported by capable medical professionals to ensure the right diagnosis care and treatment of patients with spinal ailments. Our physiotherapists and support staff help patients so that patients recover mobility and freedom after the surgical procedure.Dr K.C. Mishra & Dr. D.P Mishra is one of the best spine surgeon in Delhi Dr. K.C. Mishra is one of the leading Redo spine surgery doctor Spinal fracture surgeon and Spinal disc replacement surgeon in Delhi. Spine and orthopedic center Delhi is well known spinal cord stenosis hospital which provides best pain management options also.Webste orthodelhi.comPlot No. 837 Shalimar Garden Ext-I Sahibabad Ghaziabad 201005 (U.P.) Phone 0120-4557474 91 783 873 7363



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