Elder Home Care - Servicio de Cuidados a Ancianos

Home Health Solutions Group offers HHA s (Home Health Aides) and CNA s (Certified Nursing Assistants) to attend elder people at their homes. Trabajamos hace mas de 3 anos con personas de la 3ra edad que requieren de nuestros servicios. We are looking for new patients to serve in Miami Dade Estamos buscando nuevos pacientes para servir en Miami Dade We are an Accredited and Insured Agency in Miami Dade. Our personnel has been specifically trained to take care of your love ones. We perform references checks and AHCA Background check. Also all our employees have completed medical examination in-services and in-office examination. Services Offered Servicios que Ofrecemos - Homemaker - Servicio de Casa - Companion Services - Servicios de Compania - Shopping Services - Servicios de Compras - Meal preparation - Preparacion de alimentos - Bathing Service - Servicio de Bano - Medicine Reminder - Servicio de Medicinas - Personal Care - Cuidado Personal - Laundry Services - Servicio de Lavanderia - Cleaning Service - Servicio de Limpieza - Live in Services - Servicio de vivir en casa Our charges are competitive 16 to 18 hour Live in is a negotiable flat fee per day We accept checks and all major credit cards Aceptamos cheques y todas las mayores tarjetas de credito We speak English Spanish & Creole Hablamos Ingles Espanol y Creole Visit our website for more information www.hhsgroup.net CALL US AT show contact info FOR MORE INFORMATION



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