1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS L34

Passing Lane Motors LLC St. Louis s Premier Classic Car Dealer is pleased to offer this 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle L34 for sale This Chevelle underwent a complete rotisserie restoration and the finished product is amazing. We have over 200 pictures of this car during the restoration process plus copies of all receipts for the restoration. We have a picture of the stack of receipts but some of those pages have multiple receipts copied on them. So there is plenty of documentation to accompany this car. We added a few of the restoration pictures to the ad on our website but all of them will be added to our Flickr album which can be accessed on our website. Highlights Include 396 Engine Date Coded Correct Block 4 Speed Transmission Cowl Hood Bucket Seats Console Factory 4 Speed Power Steering Power Brakes Front Disc Brakes Please visit our website for more photos videos and information passinglanemotors.com Call us at 636-600-1140 for more info or stop by our showroom at 514 Mae Court Fenton MO 63026 to check out this vehicle in person. All vehicles sold AS IS. No mileage is stated actual just what is shown on odometer.



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