2016 Ski-Doo MX Z Sport 600 Carb Snowmobile stock 1386 - Only 7299 at Jim Potts Motor Group in Woodstock - Illinois ONLY Platinum Certified Exclusive BRP Power Sports Dealership. We will beat any dealer s price Sea-Doo IS what we do You can get the nearly telepathic handling rough trail dominance and sporty look of the MXZ at an outstanding price with the MXZ Sport package. Package Highlights REV-XP platform SC-5 rear suspension Pilot 5.7 skis Brembo brake with braided stainless-steel brake line RER electronic reverse Analog gauge with display Electric fuel gauge Straight aluminum handlebar with integrated J-hooks Comfortable REV-XP seat with 1.9 gal. (7 l) of storage Features Riser Block Height 4.5 in. (115 mm) Heated throttle lever Heated grips Windshield 15 in. (375 mm) Runner Square 5 16 Carbide Configuration 4 in. (102 mm) at 90 Call today - don t get left out in the cold this winter Looking for something similar Or perhaps a different personal watercraft or ATV snowmobile side by side UTV or Can-Am Spyder or even a quality pre-owned car or truck We have what you re looking for at Jim Potts Motor Group in Woodstock Plenty of new and quality pre-owned models to choose from. Need parts Service or repairs Have a used trade Need financing We do it all with the highest level of service and unbeatable prices. We ARE your no problem dealer Check out our website www.JimPottsMotorGroup.com (815)338-0640 Jim Potts Motor Group 1033 Wanda Lane Woodstock Il 60098 Sales(at)JimPotts.com All prices subject to taxes and fees



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