Thailand Package Tour from Kolkata

Day 01 - KOLKATA - BANGKOK (By Flight) & BANGKOK - PATTAYA (BY Coach)Depart from Kolkata. Lunch on board. On arrival Bangkok meet & transfer to Pattaya. Check in hotel. Dinner & overnight in Pattaya.Day 02 - PATTAYAAfter Breakfast leave for Coral Island tour. Enjoy free time on the beautiful Sea Beach. Lunch. Day free. Evening see Alcazar Show (most famous star studded musical extravaganza). & overnight in Pattaya.Day 03 - PATTAYA - BANGKOKBreakfast. Transfer to Bangkok. Enroute visit Gems Factory. Lunch. On arrival Half Day city & Temple tour. Check in hotel. Dinner & overnight in Bangkok.Day 04 - BANGKOKBreakfast. Full day enjoy Safari World & Marine Park tour with Lunch. Dinner & overnight in Bangkok.Day 05 - BANGKOK - KOLKATA (By Flight)Breakfast. Morning transfer to airport for flight to Kolkata. Arrive Kolkata.More Info.Visit bangkok-pattaya



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