Samsung Galaxy mega 2

I have a 2 month old galaxy mega 2 in new condition it does have a small crack on the upper right corner its unblocked and has a black finish. The Samsung Galaxy Mega 2 runs on Android OS v4.4.3 (KitKat) and is powered by Quad-core 1.5 GHz processor with 1.5GB RAM. It has a 6.0-inch 720 x 1280 pixel display. The Samsung Galaxy Mega 2 also comes with a 8.0-megapixel camera that is able to record videos at 1080p. It comes with 8GB of built-in storage and is able to support microSD cards of up to 64GB the retai price for this phone is 799.00 and selling on amazon and ebay for 299.00 I m asking 250 or best offer.



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