2008 Dodge Durango

JUST TRADED WARRANTY INCLUDED REARVIEW CAMERA LOADED 5.7L HEMI HEATED LEATHER SEATS SUNROOF MOONROOF POWER LIFTGATE VEHICLE FULLY DETAILED RECENT OIL CHANGE PASSED DEALER INSPECTION And 3RD ROW SEATING . Durango Limited HEMI 5.7L V8 Multi Displacement 5-Speed Automatic and RWD. Bettenhausen will beat any new Fiat deal offered by any other Fiat store When was the last time you smiled as you turned the ignition key Feel it again with this wonderful 2008 Dodge Durango. J.D. Power and Associates gave the 2008 Durango 4.5 out of 5 Power Circles for Overall Initial Quality. This outstanding Dodge is one of the most sought after used vehicles on the market because it NEVER lets owners down. New Car Test Drive said it ...offers excellent ride and handling...superb smooth and powerful...Inside it s quiet roomy comfortable and technologically sophisticated... Our Pre-Owned Megastore located at 17514 Oak Park Avenue in downtown Tinley Park has been here since 1956. Times have changed but our family values honesty and fair business practices helped make us what we are today. For over 20 years our non-commissioned sales managers have shown our customers what it is like to be a part of the Bettenhausen family. Our One Price philosophy and No Hassle sales approach have made the car buying experience more enjoyable for you. Let us change your mind about car buying.



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