Why You Should Switch To Wonderful LED Solar Flood Light

Gone are the days when incandescent lights which are known for their excessive power consumption were used for outdoor lighting. People are now switching to led solar flood lights owing to many reasons and advantages such as higher illumination intensity and brightness greater efficiency of solar panel more durability and unique weatherproof features. Besides this these lights are a more renewable energy resource.At LEDMyplace we are specialists in LED lighting including manufacturing led solar flood lights. Our led solar flood lights are extremely high intensity LED lights which are proudly meeting the demand of its business customers who want to save big on energy bills. Also our solar lighting products are helping create a more sustainable future by providing an eco-friendly lighting option.Our LED Solar Flood Lights is available in the form of a kit which includes a 120W solar panel a battery (having 1000 lifecycles) a 60W LED solar flood lamp and a microwave controller. Due to their long life extremely low power consumption huge energy savings and a greater lumen output of 7 200 lumens our LED Solar Flood Lights sets are being widely used for outdoor applications.Below are the features of our LED Solar Flood Lights- Energy-Efficiency Maximized. A long life of 50 000 hours. 100% energy-savings which mean 100% cost-savings. Beam angle & Non-directional Lighting. A high-intensity broad-beamed light. Color temperature 6000K (day white-cool white light glow) CRI is greater than 80.



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