Excellent 2006 Nissan Murano sl

All electrical and optional equipment on this vehicle have been checked and are in perfect working condition. This vehicle has no known defects. There are no dings on this vehicle. This vehicle is in good running condition. Has an extra clean exterior. The exterior condition of this vehicle shows that it was garaged. This vehicle appears to have never been smoked in. Extra clean interior. Absolutely no rips odors or abuse. The mileage represented on this vehicle is the actual current mileage. The transmission shifts smoothly. There does not seem to be any signs of prior damage to this vehicle. With only one previous owner this automobile is ready to go. There is 75% tread life left on the tires. call (802) 242-1756 or email mariogonzalezplatero(at)gmail.com for more pictures and details of the car.



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