House Cleaning Maids

Company Name Bella Alicia House Cleaning and Maid Service website name License cerificate house cleaning company cleaning area suffolk county NY Long Island House Cleanign car will travel from Western Suffolk to Eastern Suffolk call for distance of travel we can provide references to new cilents see us on our website on facebook join us on Facebook Bella Alicia House Cleaning we accept cash check and all major credit cards office (631) 969-7808 or cell (631) 316-7915 office hours 7 am to 10 Pm days and evening house cleaning call to schedule an house cleaning appointment service offer Daily Cleaning Weekly Bi Weekly Cleaning once a month cleaning twice a month cleaning one time cleaning after party cleaning after eviction cleaning real estate cleaning vacation home cleaning move in move out cleaning we provide deep cleaning for the first time cleaning cleaning every room dusting and polishing window baseboards wash down doors door knobs wall light switches cleaning counter top appliance ovens inside and out moping all floors cleaning whole entire home leaving a healthy shine on ever surface grem free healthy shine call the cell for the free house cleaning qoute if im away for the desk 24 7 cleaning large messes to small messes to small and mulitlevel home cleaning A healthy clean shine on every surface house cleaning done the right way maids carrying the company cleaning supplies cleaning residential homes residential apartment apartment complex condominiums and vacation homes real estate home cleaning large home rental any messes organize messes our maid will clean it up clean up all messes dust renovation cleaning before and after party cleaning after eviction cleaning move in move out cleaning cleaning greasy kitchen cleaning cleaning kitchen bathroom living room dining room dens attics basement garages cleaning big and small messes our maids can do heavy lifing removal of heavy furniture and electronic picking up heavy garbage bags and putting out to the curb all garbage bags and all unwanted furniture our maids do deep cleanig for the first time cleaning we aslo have laundry service and ironing in your home or our maids can pick up and deliver laundry wash dry and folded laundry on pick up and deliver is charge by the pound (LBS)



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