Room Available in Pembroke Pines

I have a room available in Pembroke Pines and am looking for a roommate. The apartment is close to I-75 and the Florida Turnpike. Right down the road from the Shops at Pembroke Gardens. Looking for a roommate that can commit to at least 6 month a full year is preferred.AMENITIES INCLUDE Gated Entry w 24 Hour Courtesy Gate AttendantResident Activity Clubhouse with onsite DirectorLarge Swimming PoolsFitness CenterWaterfront Fitness Vita CourseBasketball CourtPoolside Outdoor Kitchen with picnic areas24-Hour On-Site Maintenance TeamCar Wash FacilitiesConference RoomPing Pong and Gaming RoomTennis CourtsSand VolleyballINTERIOR FEATURES INCLUDE Raised Maple Bathroom Vanities with Marble TopsTrack Lighting in Dining AreaWood Like Flooring in Living and Dining AreaCeramic Tile in Foyer Kitchens and BathsStackable Washer & DryersBalconyEuropean Cabinetry with Granite Like CountersFull Almond Appliance Package with Glass Top stoveEat-in Kitchen areaOver-Sized Kitchen Pantries and ClosetsUpgraded Bath and KitchenI am an easy going person that is responsible. I don t expect you to be my best friend if we live together. We don t have to hang out but I would prefer someone who I get along with and could be friends with.I have a large dog 80 pounds but she is very sweet and friendly to all people and other animals. I have trained her well. There are no issues with my dog going to the bathroom inside the apartment I my free time I like to go running enjoy a few beers go out with my friends play the guitar watch movies and do photography. Don t worry though I am not one of those loud guitar players and will not play if you need quiet or are sleeping. Bottom line as long as you can pay your portion of the



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