Our Company is expanding in your area. We are looking to hire motivated individuals for sales position that are interested in making a difference in their lives . Are you a team player Can you work independently Do you like helping others If you answered yes to these questions then we want to speak with you. Please read carefully the qualifications needed for this position. 1.You should have at least two years of experience in sales or marketing. 2. You should reflect a high level of Customer Service. 3. A history of B2B sales experience but not a pre-requisite for this position. 4. You must be the type of person that can work well independently. 5. You must have excellent communication skills and an outgoing personality. This is what you can expect from us if you qualify. 1. Excellent Compensation Plan. 2.Amazing products that are in very high demand. 3. Advancement opportunity. 4. Sales and Marketing support and lots of it. 5. We enjoy a comprehensive back office that has an abundant of training materials sales marketing tools as well as a wonderful CRM application. If you are looking for a long term career we encourage you to submit your resume today. Upon receipt one of our Hiring Managers will contact you to schedule your interview. Thank you for your interest. We re looking forward to exploring the possibilities with you. Principals only. Recruiters please don t contact this job poster. do NOT contact us with unsolicited services or OK to highlight this job opening for persons with disabilities



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