Jim s Heating (Serving the East Bay since 1975)

Winter will be here Is your heater working or need to be replaced Serviced On a budget Other company s charging too much or not able to get out right away Call or email us now for a quote estimate on install or replacement of your old heater or Air Conditioner. We are here to help service your heater or A C if needed. We Also remove and install wall heaters water heaters and we also do duct repair duct replacement and we also can do Duct Cleaning of your old flex or metal duct pipes if needed.Our Services Include But not Limited to Residential and Commercial Forced Central Heating & Cooling Systems Package Units Air Duct Repairs Wall Heater Duct Cleaning Ductless Systems Relocation of Furnace and AC to Attic Zone Systems --Forced Air & Heating Custom sheet metal (duct-work) Day & Night Furnace & Air Conditioners New or old Heater Repaired we fix and service all Brands and Modelsavailable 5 days a week (Business hours 8am - 5pm) Give us a call and check out my yelp site. thanks s www.yelp.com biz jims-hvac-and-service-oakley



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