DATA ENTRY& NON VOICE PROJECTS CONTACT Features Details My Website SMS YOUR EMAIL ID AT 9721519367 1. This is a form filling project. Your team or crew has to fill in the data provided in the records which will be in an image format onto the forms in the corresponding fields. 2. The operating software will contain the records images blank forms and a facility to edit add or delete any errors at your end. 3. The required number of systems is 5 PCs. 4. The work load is a total of 15 000 records for a TAT of 20 days. We will address this number or set of records 20 days as a SLOT in all our communication. 5. The contact is for 11 months of a year. 6. On receipt of your completed work within the TAT your work undergoes a quality check which takes 7-10 days and your payout is released within 2-3 days after the QC certification. For all the projects we provide Bank Guarantee (BG) or Letter of Credit (LOC). And some projects are with advance payment. Interested centers can contact us at Kbpoprojects01(at) Can call or message you email id at 9721519367 My Website Below are the benefits of the our project --- My Website SMS YOUR EMAIL ID AT 9721519367 1. A monthly payout of Rs.2 25 000 - (at the rate of Rs.15 - per record) for 11 months. 2. You get a complete demonstration and training package before the commencement of any live work online at your workstation. 3. You get a 24 7 technical and administrative support from us at the shortest notice. 4. A highly efficient quality control is provided by us to ensure our combined high standard of the end-product. 5. You start generating a yield which is 3 times your deposited business fee with your first monthly payout itself. 6. All the above services are covered for a fee of Rs.10000 - 12.36% service tax. 7. You pay this amount only once and you can rest assured your entire fee is ultimately spent to facilitate your smooth operations --------------------------------------------- ------------------ For all the projects we provide Bank Guarantee (BG) or Letter of Credit (LOC). And some projects are with advance payment. Interested centers can contact us at Kbpoprojects01(at) Can call or message you email id at 9721519367 My Website We have Excellent Non Voice Project Available with weekly & daily billings for bpo centers at Lucnow UP My Website SMS YOUR EMAIL ID AT 9721519367 1. NON VOICE DATA TYPING PROCESS AVAILABLE PROJECT NAME - DATA TYPING WORKING - HAVE TO TYPE DATA FROM JPG FILES TO NOTEPAD TARGET - 50 FILES PER DAY PER SEAT PAYOUT - Rs. 30 PER FILE MONTHLY BILLING - 26X50X30 Rs. 39000 PER SEAT REWORK FACILITY - ONE TIME REWORK EVERY MONTH BILLING CYCLE WEEKLY & DAILY IF CENTER WILL START WITH MINIMUM 5 SEATS REFUNDABLE CHARGES - Rs. 10 000 PER SEAT MINIMUM ORDER - 2 SEATS CONTRACT PERIOD - 12 MONTHS .. --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- For all the projects we provide Bank Guarantee (BG) or Letter of Credit (LOC). And some projects are with advance payment. Interested centers can contact us at Kbpoprojects01(at) Can call or message you email id at 9721519367 My Website SMS YOUR EMAIL ID AT 9721519367 My Website NON VOICE RESUME TO EXCEL CONVERSION PROCESS AVAILABLE SMS YOUR EMAIL ID AT PROJECT NAME - RESUME TO EXCEL CONVERSION WORKING - HAVE TO COPY DATA FROM RESUMES FILES TO EXCEL TARGET - 100 FILES PER DAY PER SEAT PAYOUT - Rs. 20 PER FILE MONTHLY BILLING - 26X100X20 Rs. 52000 PER SEAT REWORK FACILITY - ONE TIME REWORK EVERY MONTH BILLING CYCLE WEEKLY & DAILY IF CENTER WILL START WITH MINIMUM 5 SEATS REFUNDABLE CHARGES - Rs. 10 000 PER SEAT MINIMUM ORDER - 2 SEATS CONTRACT PERIOD - 18 MONTHS SMS YOUR EMAIL ID AT 9721519367 For all the projects we provide Bank Guarantee (BG) or Letter of Credit (LOC). And some projects are with advance payment. Interested centers can contact us at Kbpoprojects01(at) Can call or message you email id at 9721519367 My Website



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