2008 Chevrolet Malibu LT

For more information please contact our internet specialist at 1- 2008 CHEVROLET MALIBU LT W 2LT Imperial Blue MetallicEbony 1-year of directions and connections plan. includes the innovative easy to use turn-by-turn navigation services which provide voice-guided directions (where available). also includes automatic notification of air bag deployment 17 (43.2 cm) ultra bright aluminum exterior(at)tires 2 auxiliary interior(at)cruise control 3-channel programmable interior(at)seat adjuster 3-point 3-spoke leather-wrapped with mounted audio and cruise controls interior(at)driver information center 4-speed automatic electronically controlled with overdrive mechanical(at)steering 4-wheel antilock 4-wheel disc safety(at)stabilitrak 4-wheel independent mechanical(at)battery 6-speaker system interior(at)shift knob am fm stereo with cd player and mp3 playback seek-and-scan accidentassist air conditioning alloy wheels auto dimm



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