RECLINER La-Z-Boy power Lift Lazy boy Heat and Massage New

Authentic La Z Boy Liberty Luxury Power LIFT Lazyboy Recliner with MASSAGE and HEAT Platinum Series Condition NEW With tags Never used Suggested Retail Price 1499.00 I m asking only 999.00 You save 500 Style Lazyboy LibertyCover Type Fabric Performance FabricsCover Color Canyon RedDimensions 41x37x33Folds for shipping to approx 4x4x4 This Platinum Series Power lift chair gives you all the right moves for the ultimate in comfort and relaxation. It offers the power to sit stand or recline soothing heat and a 6-motor massage at the touch of a button. Traditional style gets a high tech update with our Luxury-Lift recliner. With an easy to use remote the power to sit stand or fully recline is in the palm of your hand. And with its convenient space-saving design you can fully recline with the chair placed just five inches from a wall. Classic style and a chaise leg rest for head-to-toe support and a button-tufted pillow back and deeply cushioned arms for soothing comfort. We bought this for my mother in-law who found she couldn t use it.This is GREAT GIFT IDEA If you have any questions please don t hesitate to call 847-859-6647Location Golf Rd. Milwaukee Ave. Des Plaines 60016Lazyboy Power lift Lazyboy Massage chairRecliner with heat Power Lift recliner Lazyboy heatLazy boy reclinerRecliner with massage



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