2006 Forest River Flagstaff Super Lite Classic 26BHSS 27ft

Description Great Starter Model two Bunks in back kitchen sofa slideout dinette across from slideout & Queen sized bed up front Equipped as follows A C Microwave TELEVISION Antenna Patio Awning Spare Tire-Carrier & Cover Stove with Oven Water Filtration System Music system Gas Electric Water Heater Stabilizing jacks Fiberglass Exterior Torison Axles Aluminum Wheels Outside shower and more Sleeps seven Photos to Follow Features Freshwater Tank Capacity 40Black Water Tank Capacity 40Grey Water Tank Capacity 40 AC Units 1AC Specifications 13 500 BTUAcAlloy rimsAm Fm CdAwningBattery ChargerBooth DinetteBunk BedsCo DetectorConverterDinetteDinette BedExternal ShowerFantastic FanFiberglass SidewallsFire ExtinguisherFurnaceLp DetectorMedicine CabinetMicrowaveOvenOverhead CabinetryPropaneQueen sized bedQueen MattressRefrigeratorRoof VentScreen DoorSelf ContainedSlideoutSmoke DetectorSpare Tire KitStabilizing jacksStove...



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