Call Rob at 855-958-4868 to get situated .39cpm DPE depending on VERIFIABLE experience. (< 1 yr 0.390 1 yr 0.400 2 yrs 0.405 3 yrs 0.410) 12 days minimum will get 2 days off. Additional 1 day off for every additional 7 days out. (ex. 12 to 14 days out 2off 21 days out 3off 28 days out 4 off). Drivers will haul random freight to various established customers East of I 35 with a consistent freight base. Drivers will typically not go any farther North than New York State. No NYC or Canada. 75 % Drop & Hook All NO Touch Freight. All loads are preplanned a day in advance. Run a permenantly assigned conventional tractor that goes home with you for time off. GUARANTEED A NEW 2015 FREIGHTLINER CASCADIA IF YOU GO AND PASS ORIENTATION NEXT WEEK



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