Gynecologist - Opening for PUNJAB

Dear Doctors Wishes and Greetings from Great Coaches HR Consultants We introduce ourselves as one of the leading Placement Consultants Based in Jalandhar (Punjab). We provide manpower to the reputed hospitals in North India location. We have very good offers for consultant doctors in reputed hospitals. We providing good services to the healthcare from last years. We have some urgent requirement for Gynecologist. Details of the Vacancies are as below Location Jalandhar (Punjab). Position Gynecologist Qualification DGO MD MS Experience 0 to 2 years Package Negotiable (Depends upon the experience) If you are interested kindly forward your updated CV on gchrconsultants(at) given mail ID with your current and expected CTC if not interested we will really appreciate if u forward this position to your collegeaus whom you find suitable for this position. We do have other opening also for Speciality and Super Speciality doctors in case any of your know one looking for a change please do refer them. Thanks & regards Harvinder Singh Manager 91 - 8427242023



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