Tax Preparer

Job Title Tax Preparer Department Tax preparation Primary Job Purpose Complete and file tax returns accurately. Duties and Responsibilities Greet all customers in a friendly yet professional manner make customers feel welcome and comfortable. Conducts a thorough in person interview with potential clients using the company s propriety tax software application. Provides details to clients concerning appropriate company products and services. Completes all related tax forms in accordance with policies and in compliance with legislation and regulations. Checks the hold drawer daily and contacts clients for additional information as necessary to ensure accurate completion of tax returns. Audits all tax return forms for accuracy and completeness ( i.e. client signatures). Researchers tax related questions and issues and responds to clients appropriately and within a timely manner. Monitors on site client volume and advises supervisor when additional tax preparers are required. Maintain a positive image and meet all customer service standards and productivity levels as set by the office supervisor. Maintain office image keep work area neat and clean. Resolves client complaints or refers situations to supervisor ( as appropriate) for resolution. Performs other duties as required ( i.e. filing faxing scanning copying mailing outgoing correspondence). Job Requirements Education High School Diploma GED and or tax preparation or accounting preferred. Experience Previous experience with tax preparation and filing ( minimum 2 years experience). You must pass a tax preparation readiness test prior to being considered for the position. Good communication and commitment to superior interpersonal and customer services skills. Basic knowledge of a windows based computer system. You must have the ability to work flexible hours. Salary is nonnegotiable PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR SALARY HISTORY. IF IT IS NOT ENCLOSED YOU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR EMPLOYMENT.



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