Patio Set 200 with four chairs or 280 with six chairs two with rocking ability Slate top fire pit 80 Ninja Pro System 1100 Blender with accessories 150 Chi Cuisine CC1052 Nonstick Ceramic Indoor Outdoor Grill Silver - 75 Bernina 1130 Sewing Machine - 900 Patio Chairs - 100 Rocking Ability Several plants ranging from large to small in ceramic pots 5 15 Tangerine Tree 20 ( bought for 39 when it was much smaller Large rot iron trellis 10 One large bird cage and one very large rot iron ( smaller one looks like and antique house with roof ... both of them sit on stands the larger one has caster wheels too Smaller cage 50 OBO ... the larger one has caster wheels 75 OBO Lowery Citation Theater Spinet Organ - Has Magic Genie Fingers Wow pedal Horn stops Recorder Beat system 175 OBO ( 4000 New Needs Some Work on Stops) Any reasonable offer will be considered CASH ONLY PLEASE



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