2008 Chevy Cobalt GREAT ON GAS....Runs great Bad Credit OK

Fun fact - Introduced in 2005 to replace the Cavalier the Cobalt LS Sedan has been a very popular choice for commuters first timers and sensible drivers like you all over America. The Cobalt has received praise for its tight body structure and compliant ride which is miles ahead of its older sister and this Cobalt receives top ratings from owners who like the value in this LS trim. They also praise the Cobalt s fuel economy and low price. Drivers like you appreciate the styling and handling. Our Cobalt is powered by a DOHC 16-valve 2.2-liter four cylinder that produces 148 hp and even more torque. The EPA estimates it will get 24 33 mpg and that scores over 450 miles per tank on a road trip - so where ya going first . Drivers are generally impressed by the Cobalt s tight road feel which hits a nice balance between soft and responsive. This is attributed to GM using high-strength steel throughout vs. the old stamped method. Simple and efficient make a great combination. So do you and this Cobalt Don t delay long Print this page and call us Now... We Know You Will Enjoy Your Test Drive Towards Ownership More photos are available on our company website www.centralfloridaexports.com. Give us a CALL TODAY. Office (352)321-1430 and ask for AJ. We strive to be 100% accurate Call us directly to verify vehicle availability or about our in-house financing programs. Prices advertised are cash prices. Can t buy cash Don t have good credit No problem. We offer financing for ALL Si Hablamos Espanol Central Florida Exports has been Family Owned and Operated in Leesburg FL since 1980. It has been our goal to provide the finest quality pre-owned vehicles in Lake County for over 30 years. We are conveniently located on U.S. HWY 441. Come in and let us earn your business.



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