15785 Glen Willow Lane Wellington FL 33414

15785 Glen Willow Lane Wellington FL 33414 5 beds 3 baths 499 900 Year Built 1997 Sq. Feet 2950 View Garden Garage 2 Looking for a home that is move in ready Generous 5 bedroom plus loft and 3 bath home is located in the desirable community of Hidden Creek. This beautiful Binks Forest home is within close proximity to A rated schools. Interior features include new kitchen with granite counters marble backsplash and state of the art stainless appliances. This home boasts all new paint hand scraped hickory wood floors and designer porcelain tile. Serenity is right outside in the park like back yard. Fruit trees and flowering native plants thrive in this fully fenced 1 2 acre property. A two story triple reinforced screened enclosure surrounds the oversized paver lined patio and stunning self-chlorinating heated pool and spa. This home offers the peace space and serenity that your family deserves. www.mypalmbeachcountyhome.com listing mlsid 82 propertyid RX-10128762 syndicated 1 Kull Realty Group at Keller Williams Realty 561-422-4234 Provided Courtesy of Realty Elite the Palm Beaches Wellington



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