Foster Parents Needed (Dayton and Cincinnati areas)

At Ohio MENTOR we call our foster parents Mentors because they do so much more than provide a home to a child in need - they help children grow and learn forever changing their lives. By opening your home to a foster child and becoming a foster parent you ll have the opportunity to make a difference in a child s life. What s more the bonds of family that you will create can last a lifetime. Right now there is an urgent need in our communities for stable loving foster parents. Ohio MENTOR is seeking caring individuals and families to make a difference in the life of a child in foster care. So who can be a foster parent Our foster parents are caring individuals like you who have a passion for helping others. You don t need to be a superhero - just a caregiver who s ready to bring someone into your home and help give them a better life by sharing yours. It does not matter if you re a retiree looking for a way to continue contributing to society a stay-at-home parent or a working family with children of your own. Our expert team will be with you every step of the way - providing 24 7 on-call support and guidance. And you ll become part of a whole network of people who just like you want to change someone s life and make a difference at home.Contact us today to find out if being a foster parent is right for you. We are located in Dayton Ohio and can be reached at (937) 866-4021 ext. 11. or visit our website at getstarted cid__c Compensation Please note that foster parents are paid a daily rate depending on the needs of the child placed with them.



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