Join the Mister Car WashOctopus Team in Madison

OCTOPUS Car Wash is HIRING Come Shine With Us We are in the process of converting all Madison WI and Rockford IL Octopus Car Wash locations into Mister Car Wash locations. Mister Car Wash headquartered in Tucson Arizona is an industry leader and the nation s largest and fastest growing car wash company operating over 180 car washes and express lube centers in 18 states. We re seeking talented people to join our team in Madison Now hiring for Drivers Team Leaders Supervisors and Production employees Join the Mister Car Wash Octopus Team in Madison What you would do Deliver an exceptional customer experience by handling vehicles with extreme care Prepare vehicles before they enter the wash tunnel ensuring hard to clean areas are given special attention Ensure all areas of the interior of the vehicle are vacuumed and cleaned Comply with all Mister Car Wash Safety procedures and policies Perform spot drying ensuring the delivery of a high quality service to the customer Promptly report any prior or new damage to a customer s vehicle to management What we re looking for Outstanding Customer Service skills and an outgoing attitude A strong attention to detail and ability to take pride in a delivering a quality service Ability to work long hours on your feet in fast paced environment Ability to work in extreme temperatures and weather conditions Perks for you Generous Paid Time Off Car Wash Discounts Experience in the car wash industry is not necessary FUN working environment Employees who typically do well in this role have prior experience in General labor working outdoors in physically demanding positions construction service tire shops auto dealerships military service and automotive service shops. Apply Today at any of our Mister Car Wash Octopus locations below 2202 University Avenue Madison 1039 E. Washington Avenue Madison 907 S. Park Street Madison Questions Contact Lindsey O Brien at lobrien(at)



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