Westmoreland Greentown Blue Opaque Custard Milk Glass Stein wit

This blue milk glass stein was created between 1910 and 1915 by Westmoreland Specialty Company. (The Westmoreland Specialty Co became the Westmoreland Glass Co in 1923.) This particular stein is in the Gnome pattern and has the number five [5] on the bottom of it. The stein was a packer s item and originally had mustard in it. There is mustard residue on the piece. The stein is smooth to the touch. I consider this antique to be in excellent condition. It is very heavy for its size. There is much patina on the stein. I did not remove it. It is the residue from mustard. You can purchase this antique stein at atmemorylane.ecrater.com p 20716769 westmoreland-greentown-blue-opaque-custard Mouth width 2 5 8 - Base width 3 1 8 - Base Indent Lip 1 - Height 4 7 8 - Re Greentown Glass Steins and their Prices Booklet Joe Beard 2012. At Memory Lane stnfv atmemorylane



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