Want To Grow Your Career In HR Join HR Practical Training Progra

Dear HR Aspirants Greetings.. Looking for career into HR Department we will show you the way Welcome to our Core HR Practical Training Program-Powered by ALS TRAINING. Core HR Practical Training on PF Payroll ESI PMS Laws & 85 Core HR Topics Lab Sessions with Placement Assistance. Our experience data and feedback have proven time and again that the brightest of the students passing even from Premier institutions many a times lack skills sought by corporate thus leading to a mismatch between the Industry expectations and the skills developed through the Educational Institutes. HR PRACTICAL TRAINING is a unique HR Training & Development Program which will develop the Employability Quotient of an aspiring HR professional by blending the knowledge and skill required by the Corporate with an attitude which is value based. The Program is aimed at providing you with Core HR Practical Knowledge. For Whom 1. MBA (HR) candidates aspiring to be HR Professional 2. Working HR professionals who are graduates & MBA. 3. Students preparing to take up their career as an HR professional Why ALS Training Program Corporate prefer READY MADE FOR JOB candidates There are gaps in Attitude Knowledge and Skill in the job aspirants even after they are educationally qualified for the job. Corporate do not want to hire candidates with skill gaps and invest their time and money to their training Batches for both Fresher & Experienced --- 100% Placement Assistance and Support For more details visit our website www.alstraining.in ALS Training Pvt Ltd HR Practical Training Institute 2nd Floor AM Tower Khurram Nagar Chauraha Ring Road Lucknow. 226022 Contact 9208249633 05224005653



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