2001 Alero. 1000 obo

I have a 2001 Oldsmobile Alero I would like to sell. I bought it June 2013 with 180k miles. It is my daily driver 70 miles a day. I had the fuel pump replaced Nov 2013 replaced brake caliper rotor and wheel bearing March of this year. I also had another 3400 motor put in a few months back. The oil light is on only because the sensor is not connected to new motor. Its only a matter of plugging in or shorting it out. Does not burn or leak any fluids. The gas guage is not working due to a sending unit failure. I usually just set my trips and will go 180 miles on full tank before getting paranoid. Nothing is mechanically wrong with the car I am just looking at an SUV with more room. It has been reliable and besides the fuel pump has never given me trouble. Serious inquiries only. 1000 or best offer. Text or email for pix. Can t upload for some reason. Four 34 6twenty3 zero 7four5



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