Subjects for photography needed.

I am currently a student at NYIP (New York Institute of Photography) and am looking for subjects for photoshoots. Please read all of this as most questions you may have should be answered. I am NOT a professional as stated above I am currently a photography student and the best way to get better at photography is by taking pictures. While the world around us does provide a good subject nature tends not to do what you want. I m looking for people who would like to have photos done. You don t have to be a model or an aspiring model. You would be asked to sign a model release form which is basic. If you are interested in modeling I would be happy to copy all photos to a CD or flash drive for you to keep and use as part of your portfolio. I do NOT have a studio or any professional equipment. Most shoots would take place in an outdoor location if you have a location that you would like to use that would be an option. If you would like to bring a friend or family member with you that is fine and encouraged. If there are a specific type of photo you would like I will try my best to accomodate. In case you re wondering what I will use the photographs for some will be used for projects as part of the course at NYIP. Others will go in my portfolio. If you have any questions feel free to ask.



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