Champlin Townhomes Douglas Commons

Champlin Townhomes Douglas Commons - Champlin MN 55316 has a great townhome neighborhood near Schools and parks. See all info and listings here blogsview 4661779 champlin-townhomes-douglas-commons-55316 - click or call 612.807.4858 for full details and availability. Why Do People Live in Champlin Champlin is snugly situated near the Mississippi River and offers a ton of affordable housing. Champlin has more than a handful of parks which include Andrew s Park Splash pad and a Skate Park a Lifetime Fitness ice rink movie theater and easy commuting access to Highway 169 and Highway 610 to help your morning commute. Champlin also offers restaurants grocery stores and coffee shops with three small strip malls with ice cream shops Chinese Restaurant Fast Food locations Wells Fargo and Target. All the conveniences and a little smaller community feel than the neighboring Brooklyn Park and Maple Grove areas. Just Starting Your Champlin Townhome Buying Process Are you just starting your home search There s a lot of great reason s why now is a great time to become a homeowner It s true the process can seem a little intimidating to get started. First and foremost your first step really should be to secure a trustworthy lender. This can be the bank you currently have a relationship with a credit union you belong to or you may request a referral from a family member or friend. Either way you will want to start here The reason why The current Real Estate market is moving so quickly not being preapproved and ready to go could mean the home you want will likely be sold by the time you are ready. Get started with my quick application (takes 2-3 minutes ). The other advantages of getting preapproved in advance can sometimes eliminate heartbreak you will never want to overextend yourself with a home payment or the term being house broke speaking with a lender can get you on the path to an affordable monthly payment they can help you secure an attractive interest rate and a program that fits your finances and budget. Having these conversations early eliminates the unknowns when it s time to write an offer on the property of your dreams After you have a lender secure a preapproval letter in hand it s time to find a Real Estate agent you trust. Once you have an experienced Realtor on your side it s time to have a buyer consultation with your real Estate agent to determine your wants needs and budget so you can start looking for a new home Search for a home is such an exciting time. If you re ready to find a new Home in Champlin check out these great neighborhoods with just listed homes for sale Why Find a home in Douglas Commons Champlin Interested in finding a townhome s for sale in Douglas Commons Champlin MN 55316 Click that link to find all the currently available homes in this area of Champlin. Douglas Commons Champlin has something for everyone to enjoy Douglas Commons is located just North of 109th Ave N and to the East of Colorado Ave. N. with easy access to restaurants Champlin Schools and more. This area of Champlin has a lot to offer. So many parks Elm Creek Park Oxbow Park is the closest and Andrew s Park. Andrew s Park is equipped with a brand new splash pad perfect for enjoying a hot summer day at the park The Splash pad is new and is free to the public. They also just recently repaved the parking lot and the walking trails making it perfect for walking roller skating rollerblading a quick walk with the dog or a jog. The new additions also included a picnic shelter and a great place to host a summer birthday party Andrews Park has several softball and baseball fields for all your fall and summer leagues plus a new association that provides snow and lawn care services to the development. Most townhomes in the Douglas Commons neighborhood was built between 1994-1996. They range on average from roughly 1 300 square feet to almost 1 500 square feet and have two to three bedrooms with two bathrooms. Some have the private patio locations perfect for enjoying a summer day or grilling out. Douglas Commons is conveniently located near KinderCare for daycare services and in very close proximity toOxbow Elementary Champlin Park Magnet Schools Jackson Middle School and also Champlin Park High School. Find your next home with Heidi Heidi Herda Herda Home Team with Keller Williams Classic Realty - 612.807.4858 herdahometeam



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