Restaurant Manager Kitchen Manager

Restaurant Manager Restaurant Kitchen Manager GROWING FULL SERVICE CASUAL RESTAURANT APPLY TODAY Are you the best of the best Do you inspire and lead the team you are currently with Do you excel in the motivation of people Do you have a passion for food If so we are currently hiring Restaurant Managers and Restaurant Kitchen Managers for our location in the Downers Grove area. We are searching for World Class restaurant management leaders that want to be involved with a restaurant concept company that is aggressively expanding into new markets. The key to our success has been hiring and developing talented Professional Restaurant Managers and offering more room for career advancement than most of our competitors. We are looking for Superstars of the Restaurant Industry and Restaurant Management leaders to step up to the plate for hospitality career with tremendous growth potential in the Las Vegas Grove area apply today Benefits Competitive Salary and Benefits Package Affordable Medical Dental and Vision Plans 401(k) Plans Bonus Potential If you would like to be considered for the Restaurant Manager or Restaurant Kitchen Manager position email your resume ASAP for an immediate interview.



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