Sinorock is representative in hollow bar manufacturers

Sinorock is representative in hollow bar manufacturers of our world.It sells a variety of hollow bar including Self drilling hollow bar Duplex coating hollow bar Expansion shell anchor bolt and so on.The service that Sinorock provides are reliable and good.It also has ISO SGS and CE certifications so we can sell products to the Europe market. The features of our self drilling hollow bar are as follow 1.Drilling anchor installation and grouting in single operation 2.Separate anchor installation or removal of casing and drill rods is not required 3.Similar installation methods for all ground conditions 4.Choice of drill bits for different ground conditions 5.Hollow core is used for flushing with air or water during drilling along with grouting the anchor tendon 6.Flexibility in length by using couplers 7.Ability to work with small drill rigs without casing in restricted headroom conditions 8.Enhanced corrosion protection available upon request. We have a diligent team of professionals which supports us outstandingly in satisfying our highly precious clients. Banking on our dedicated workforce we are valued as a profound source of hollow bars in this sphere of industry. Our mission is to be the preferred supplier of geo-support solutions and products in the world.We exist to develop and provide innovative geo-support products and solutions with exceptional service and lasting quality. wiki User_blog Hollowbar Sinorock_has_excellent_hollow_bar_products



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