............................................. ... Call for pricing 954-561-6352 ............................................. .....Aquacil Instant Foaming Hand Sanitizer is an alcohol-free hand antiseptic product formulated with state of the art ingredients that enhance the antibacterial efficacy of the quat active.Aquacil can be used repeatedly without the risk of drying or irritating the skin. In addition Aquacil is non-flammable and non-staining so that it can be used in areas where alcohol-based products are prohibited. Features and BenefitsFormulated with 0.1% benzalkonium chloride active ingredient Rapid and broad spectrum antimicrobial activity Alcohol-free formulation Mild enough to be used repeatedly Economical foam is convenient to use Synergistic preservative system prevents product contamination Free of parabens triclosan fragrance dyes and formaldehyde California Proposition 65 Compliant Manufactured in the USA in an FDA registered facilityIN VITRO 15 SECOND TIME KILL RESULTS (ASTM Method E2315-03)Alcohol & Phenol Free Call for more informationw w w . c l e a n i n g d e p o t s u p p l y. c o mHours M-F 8-6PMPhone 954-561-6352 6761 W Sunrise Blvd Unit 10 Plantation FL 33313



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