Private Mortgage Funds Available

Have equity in your home and need cash Axess can help Deal directly with the lenders get a quick response and get the cash you need We specialize in private mortgages for the following situations Refinancing Debt consolidations Tax arrears Self-employed borrowers Commercial mortgages Special purpose properties (hobby farms religious buildings etc) It doesn t matter if you need 50 000 or 5 million we will work with you in finding a unique solution to your request Did you know If you have bad credit we will provide you with the contacts to improve your credit and work with you on moving your mortgage to a bank credit union within a year. Call today and see how we can help Jason Cosman Mortgage Broker 647 968 1396 Serge Cosmin Mortgage Agent 647 449 3596 Licensed by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario Axess Mortgages - 11023 -



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