Bellflower and Cerritos Instructors

Instructor positions are available for cities of Bellflower and Cerritos This is your opportunity to become a role-model for students and make a positive difference in their future Job Description Supervise a group of twenty students at all times during the after school program activities which include snack recess academic fitness and enrichment rotations. Tutor students in 1st to 6th grade with homework during assigned academic hour. Conduct moderate to vigorous physical activity with students during the fitness component. Follow and expand on lesson plans during enrichment hour which may include STEM Literacy Art and other supplemental instructions. Work directly and report to district supervisors on a daily basis on site. After school hours are 2pm-6pm Mon Tue Thurs Fri and 1pm-6pm on Wednesdays. Permanent position must be available M-F Sub positions must be available minimum of 3 days. Please email your cover letter and resume to Jobs(at) Qualifications Natural Ability to explain concepts motivate and guide children. Strong Communication Skills with children parents and staff. Strong Academic Record High Diploma GED required Must be enrolled in college and pass a basic ELA Math exam with 80% or better (Or have at least 48 college degree units.) Must pass background checks which include DOJ FBI livescans NSOPR check Drug Screen and TB Clearance. Attendance is required during Friday morning training (once a month)



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