Drive the LONG HAUL Class A CDL 6 moths XP

All drivers earn .41 cpm. Drivers will average 2200 miles per week (at) 41 cpm Average 902 weekly gross Average W2 47 000 Time Off Drivers will be out for a minimum of 14 days. Earn 1 full day off for every 7 days out (ex. 14 2 21 3 28 4) 6 months experience required in the last year or 12 months in the last 5 years. Drivers will haul random frieght to & from ANY of the Walmart DC s to Vendors mainly East of I 35 but could run anywhere in the lower 48 states with a consistent freight base. No NYC or Canada. 80 % Drop & Hook All NO Touch Freight. All loads are preplanned a day in advance. Run a permenantly assigned conventional tractor that goes home with you for time off. Riders allowed. Hazmat required within 60 days. Drivers will be reimbursed for the cost after they have it on their license



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