2001 BMW 325i....Looks and Runs GREAT PRICE IS FIRM

THIS BMW IS IN GREAT SHAPE AND IT RUNS INCREDIBLE WE GOT THE VEHICLE AND PUT IT THROUGH A QUALITY AND SAFETY INSPECTION AND IT PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS.....IT HAS A RED EXTERIOR WITH TINTED WINDOWS....ALLOY WHEELS ON NEWER TIRES...2.5L INLINE 6 CYLINDER THAT IS GREAT ON GAS (18-27 MPG) BUT STILL OFFERS GREAT PERFORMANCE (184 HP).... 5 SPEED MANUAL TRANSMISSION.... THIS IS A GREAT ECONOMICAL CAR FOR SOMEONE THAT NEEDS A NICE LOOKING GOOD ON GAS AND STILL SPORTY..... We put our vehicles through an extensive Quality and Safety inspection so you can feel comfortable with any vehicle you buy here and because we back our product. We also include a 30 day or 1000 mile warranty on the engine and transmission.We offer guaranteed financing with our buy-here pay-here program. We have outside lenders that will offer you financing guaranteed and report to all 3 of your credit bureaus We offer great deals for straight cash deals We have served Lake County for the last 35 years by offering a great product for a fair price The only you need to get a loan in proof of income (paystub unemployment award letter child-support bank statements job-letter and we can even approve self-employed) and proof of residence (utility bill 2 pieces of mail with your name address bank statements)...we also require 6 references and full-coverage insurance before you leave with the vehicle.Please contact me at 352-321-1430 by phone email or text and our address to the store is 2381 US Hwy 441 Fruitland Park FL 34731. Please ask for AJ and I ll be happy to work out a fantastic deal for you



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