1967 Chevrolet Corvette convertible

Passing Lane Motors LLC St. Louis s Premier Classic Car Dealer is incredibly excited to offer this 1967 Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray Convertible for sale What an incredibly beautiful one of a kind car that is sure to turn heads anywhere you go This resto mod has the power of a race car with it s 555 cubic inch Pat Musi Performance Edelbrock crate engine and rebuilt Muncie M22 4 speed Transmission yet maintains it s classic elegance with it s beautiful straight body finished in glossy black paint. With it s completely new interior modern suspension and ice cold vintage air conditioning you will enjoy driving this Corvette just as much as showing it. Highlights Include Edelbrock Pat Musi Performance 555 Cubic Inch Engine Rebuilt Muncie M22 4 Speed Manual Transmission Be Cool 4 Core Radiator March Pulley System Power Brakes Vintage Air Conditioning Wildwood Disc Brakes F41 Four Wheel Independent Suspension American Racing 17x7 Wheels Nitto Ultra High Performance Tires Hooker Chrome Headers 4 Inch Side Pipes Fuel Injected w Tanks Inc. Fuel Tank Posi with 3 36 Gears Custom Built Stainless Steel Exhaust Bucket Seats New Carpet New Door Panels New Top Fresh Paint We also have many receipts and manuals for the restoration of this vehicle that will be included with the car. Plus photos of the restoration process and the original warranty book with Protect-o-plate. Visit our website for more photos videos and information passinglanemotors.com Call us at 636-600-1140 for more info or stop by our showroom at 514 Mae Court Fenton MO 63026 to check out this incredible Corvette in person. All vehicles sold AS IS. No mileage is stated actual just what is shown on odometer.



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