2461 Murillo Ave San Jose CA 95148

2461 Murillo Ave San Jose CA 95148 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms 1 899 000 Year Built 2002 Sq. Feet 4268 Lot Size 0.63 Acre View City Lights Garden Greenbelt Hills Panoramic Valley Evergreen Hills Area executive home with panoramic views of the city valley and mountains from inside and out. Craftsman style with a gated entry on nearly 2 3 Acre features cherry floors and cabinets travertine slate and tile floors. Large chef s kitchen has a Miele coffee station Viking 6 burner cook top Kitchen Aid double ovens dual dishwashers steamer oven island with prep sink. Elegant master bedroom suite has a private bathroom. Beautifully landscaped for outdoor entertaining with a built in outdoor kitchen. Parking for 45 motor coach or RVs. www.losgatoskw.com listing mlsid 204 propertyid ML81470854 syndicated 1 Call or Text 408-761-2858 Listing Agent David Calvello Listing courtesy of KW Bay Area Estates



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