Wong Ladies Tea Set Montefiori figurines Italian sugar set

Wong Ladies These two ladies are beautiful figurines that would adorn any showcase or shelf. They are both in excellent condition.Great Mother s Day gifts 20 each or both for 35 Tea Set Beautiful tea set. Perfect condition.Four cups sugar bowl with lid creamer tea pot and tray. Does your Mother have everything Here s an item I bet she d love ONLY 125 Hand-painted Italian sugar creamer bowl set This is a unique set of hand-painted Italian sugar creamer and bowl set. Numbered 4035. The set has the appearance of being gold-plated with white leaves. Very beautiful. Perfect as a Christmas gift for that special person. Only 125 Montefiori couple and Montefiori angel Victorian Montefiori sculptured couple esquisite on base. Beautiful figurine 125 Small angel girl delicate pretty not on a base. - 25 All items are in perfect condition Contact Diane 417-779-1447



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