GuitarBass Lessons

Yo what s up all you potential musicians Web Page s lessonswitheliIntroductionMy name is Eli and it is my job and privilege to help you reach your goals in music. Whether it is taking the brilliant rock pop originals in your head and making them a musical reality or just learning how to play along with what s on the radio there is no limit to where we can go. If this has been your dream since you were a little one but you feel you are just too slow now IT S NOT TOO LATE If you have kids and you want them to be disciplined in something that will benefit them later but you re unsure if they are ready IT S NOT TOO EARLY I have taught ages from five years old all the way to seventy five years young and I am a strong believer that everyone AND anyone CAN play the guitar and I am more than excited to help you accomplish your dream.What I can teachI have been studying music for over ten years now from personal lessons to being a music major in college and am still gladly learning. I can teach you almost anything you are going to want to know for guitar and bass guitar. Right-hand technique Left-hand technique Music Theory(includes scales modes arpeggios and all that fun stuff) Sheet Music Randomly Cool Songs(of your choice) Ear Training Sight Singing and most of all...CREATIVITY and IMPROVISATION (my favorite) Also if you have any interest in Singing Songwriting than we can incorporate that into our goals as we go along. This is a personal passion of mine and I am also a strong believer that everyone has the potential to sing too because of my personal story (which I would love to share with any of my students). If it is something you might want to try we can definitely go there. Lesson FormatI like to use gym terminology like No Pain No Gain Nah I m kidding. Lessons are customized to who YOU are so all of the exercises and curriculum will be geared towards YOUR goals. If you don t have any that s okay. I can help you create some and we can still productively have fun. Also according to your progress I can be as patient and encouraging as you need. With the guitar AND bass your possibilities are absolutely endless. I still learn new things the more I play They truly are beautiful instruments. Usually we would have one lesson jam per week. I can flex though. Costs hr lesson 15 1 hr lesson 30 FIRST LESSON IS FREE (In first lesson I will tell you about me see where you are in knowledge and ability where you want to go and tell you what I will do to get you there)LocationWe can meet in a public place or your place at first so we can make sure either of us are not frauds or crooks and then I would prefer to use my place. It is comfortable parking is free and all my equipment is here. I am located in the Camp Hill Wormleysburg area.Pre-Lesson Suggestions1)I strongly advise getting a guitar if you do not have one. If you would like help with that we can talk about that on the first lesson. 2)There are some other accessories that we will need too A tuner and metronome is for sure needed (some people get both on apps though it is nice to have real ones). A few picks is a good idea. And a capo I also recommend. 3)If you can know your goals (what s your purpose what do you want to get out of this where do you want to be in a year with progress etc) before we meet for the first time it would be helpful. If you have no clue I would be honored to help on first lesson. I am very excited to see all of the amazing talent reach full potential and watch your confidence grow as you finally enjoy doing what you have always dreamed For questions more info or other reasons to contact...Call text me at this number321-258-6082



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