WINDOW CLEANING TECHNICIAN FISH Offers PAID training no experience necessary Up to 15 hour Pay scale based on work completed. No nights or weekends Flexible hours Full or part-time work year-round Tips and additional commission opportunities Inside and outside work Equipment and uniforms furnished. Physical Requirements Able to stand on feet for long periods of time Able to lift up to 60 lbs. Able to do repetitive motion with hands wrist and arms. Able to work with arms above head. Able to bend and squat to ground level. Able to work in temperatures ranging from 0 to 110 degrees. Able to assemble lift and climb ladders up to 30 feet. Able to lift and control long pole. Other Qualifications Valid driver s license Reliable transportation Liability car insurance Ability to read a street guide and follow directions Friendly outgoing personality and willingness to please customers Write legibly and speak clearly Able to count money and make change. Willing to wear company uniform Self-motivated and able to work alone. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT US ONLINE AT s LID 1528



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