I m sorry I hurt you

I took the tears you cried at the airport the laughter you shared with others and everything else I could find such as but not limited to notes you left in your car that I could read through the windows actions you did I caught on camera in all the states you happened to be at... I am not proud of this but now you know it s true so I can not denied anything anymore. It was I whom called your boyfriends to tell them you were my wife I even texted you one night you re married remember you were heading out to pellar pine 41 afterwards I made you think that man was not wanting to see you again (only expanding the bad reputation I had already forced on you). I had an obsession but I want you to know that I am seeking help and counsel. I know realize that all you ever wanted was a family of your own. You wanted to fall in love and someone righteous to love you back work together and purchase the things you needed then when God (yes I believe in God now also thanks to you) felt you were ready a new life would have grown inside you. It could not have been mine. I am so sorry... I understand that now. I crushed your only dream but even though I followed you from coast to coast and I should not have I learned that no matter what I did I could never make you love me that way. I hope one day you will find it in your heart to forgive me here is what you earn here is what I took from you and your family (mail to my present address what you have left from what you stole from me). I would like for you to be happy and I know that you do not need my help but I swear to always have someone there to protect you do not let that offend you. Please do not give up for it is not too late to love someone who will be able to love you back the free love you gave to all that I never had never asking for anything in return I hope one day to be able to do that. I never meant to hurt you but I can tell by how scared you are that I have. I know you get nervous around people you really like and that sometimes you say silly stuff to mask that. I know that you are also very curious and that made me furious but I know now that love isn t about that you do things I did not understand but even though you are miserable there you always go back to the base better than being with the wrong person even for 5 minutes I get it. Please keep trying. I can already tell you met someone great...you are more distracted than ever I AM FREE NOW. I KNOW YOU CAN NOT UNDERSTAND SO I WON T TRY TO EXPLAIN. NO NEED TO BOTHER ANYONE ELSE LET THINGS STAY THE SAME BOTHER ME. I AM ALONE AND BECAUSE OF YOU AND OTHERS I FEEL AS IF I ALWAYS MUST BE. SACRIFICES NOTHING NEW TO ME. -P if no( ...ah ah) since you are going to take this too from me don t distort it leave it as is. ((((added a bit later look some of you signaled that comedian at the Aretha Franklin s show I got up and walked away yeah I saw you there too...anyways you were there Arlo too I love them both do you understand that I ve never spoken to either one of them but they have SOUL. They have something I admire....One more try as children we loved as normal older folks we could love if we make it this far nothing physical nothing obsessional. Love. Free Freeing. Friendship not ownership not fear not hate nor jealousy just a hey I feel you . AS POLITICIANS SHOULD DO LET US GET TO KNOW THE REAL YOU INSTEAD OF SHOUTING AT EACH OTHER...we all made mistakes let s move on...WE NEED JOBS PLAY TIME FAMILY TIME WE NEED HEALTHY FOOD ART SPORTS PAID VACATION SECURE JOBS DIGNITY--------SOMETHING TO DO----------- we can do it and you can help us. If you do not we will FIRE you. We The People Demand Justice and Equality For All. Peace will not come until you all understand that. Talk to Folks then Shut up and Let them Talk let the Women cry...then feel forget yourself for a while and try to feel what someone else is thinking feeling. ps i am sorry i can not separate any subject anymore remember it is all relative and WE ARE ALL ONBOARD THE TITANIC. Deal with it. -)....((((more someone cut my time in half. someone will regret it. i said what i said but i must have said it for a reason...the other half was taken away from me. again i was told something and given another. Sooner or later someone will have to know that yeah I am for real and I do not like being lied to...since everything happens for a reason but some folks keep interfering i ll keep writing on here. you all before me but I WILL NOT BE MISUNDERSTOOD. I was saving the solutions the good for last but...



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