21000 Lot 21800sqft surrounded by houses located between houses

LOS ANGELES COUNTY - Land For Sale By OwnerThe lot is surrounded by houses and located between houses (16134 Wells Fargo Avenue and 16114 Wells Fargo Avenue Lake Los Angeles CA 93591)Lot Size 21 800 sq.ftZoned RA 20000100 sq.ft. frontage x 218 sq.ft. x 218.sq.ft x 100 sq.ftPaved RoadWater & Power is to the LotASSESSOR S PARCEL NUMBER3074 020 010INVESTMENT OPTION 1Own this property for a one time INVESTMENT of 21 000Plus 500 Documentation Closing FeeINVESTMENT OPTION 2Owner financing Guaranteed approval Terms Sales price 25 000 3 000 down payment Plus 500 Documentation Closing Fee0% interest for 3 years only 612 a month The land is being sold as-is where-is with no warranties either expressed or implied.Buyer is responsible to do his her due diligence prior to purchasing the property.8186242837



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