2013 Toyota Sienna

Thank you for visiting another one of Fox Lake Toyota s online listings Please continue for more information on this 2013 Toyota Sienna XLE with 44 509 miles. This Toyota includes BLIND SPOT MONITOR LANE CHANGE ASSIST Note - For third party subscriptions or services please contact the dealer for more information. Enjoy safety and stability with this all-wheel drive vehicle and drive with confidence in any condition. Marked by excellent quality and features with unmistakable refined leather interior that added value and class to the Toyota Sienna This Toyota Sienna is beautiful and the interior is clean with virtually no flaws. A vehicle as well-maintained as this Toyota Sienna almost doesn t need a warranty but you rest easier knowing it comes covered with the Toyota factory warranty. More information about the 2013 Toyota Sienna Toyota s Sienna keeps getting better every year. The current version offers a strong V6 and 6-speed automatic transmission. Mileage estimates are up to 25 mpg on the highway and the Sienna is the only minivan to offer all-wheel drive as an option as well as two seating configurations. Even the entry-level L trim includes such comfort options such as keyless entry three-zone air conditioning and 10 cup holders. Toyota has also engineered a clever 16-inch LCD monitor that allows rear seat occupants to watch two different video programs simultaneously. Strengths of this model include spacious comfortable interior Available all-wheel drive V6 power true car-like handling fuel economy and choice of seating configurations



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