mr. soulmate

Dear Mr. Soulmate Are you into day Trips to explore towns that are local Do you love taking the outdoor scenics back with you Are you into weekend trips that are not planned but rather spontanious Please save all your lies Ive heard it all before you must be sincere....... just remember Honesty is still the best policy good old old fashioned companionship is a must. I love mother nature and all she offers in the four seasons extravaganza I love suprizes and thoughful gestures be it a single Yellow rose or a home cooked meal by candle light. Il take someone who speaks his mind and just plain interesting. Must know when its time to speak or just be silent and enjoy the other person quietly. a Talk-A-thon is what I am definitely not for me. I want a straight forward man. If its a stroll thru the park more power to you I love to walk. Now there are a few more things I am not young and will not be getting younger but its all how you see things you canbe 40 and be 30 mentally which is my cas I am 68 years old but only feel about 40 now a lot of men do not welcome this but some do write telling me particulars of self and send to my e mail and I will answer promptly and and all honest replies the rest will not get answered. sincerely mare mmasterartist(at)



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