HiLo Trailmanor travel trailer 20-27 ft

I bought the trailer from a dealer a year ago but plans have changed and I am looking to sell it. Light weight can be towed easily with any truck or suv. Overall Width 7 7 Travel Height 64.5 Travel length 20 Interior Height 6 4 Dry Weight 2865 lbs. Dry Tongue Weight 392 lbs. Everything is in perfect working condition. New tires and new brakes. A C works great TrailManor 2720 SL folding travel trailer opens into a liberally sized domicile (27 feet long) that yields 180 square feet of interior living and sleeping space. Much like those ingenious folding Transformer toys kids love to manipulate this travel trailer can be transformed in a matter of minutes into a spacious home away from home and returned to its travel configuration just as quickly. Body Build. TrailManor uses pre-cut sections of ultra lightweight polystyrene foam and sandwiches and laminates them between sheets of aircraft-grade aluminum. This combination of materials and the lamination process is what helps provide the strength excellent insulation and the lightweight characteristics of this trailer. The foam insulation is a dense material (1 to 3 inches thick depending on where it s used in the unit) and by sandwiching it between aircraft-grade aluminum (which is also strong and yields minimal weight) the final unitized structure becomes even stronger than the parts are individually. Slung under the steel frame (2 5-inch tubular members) are the rubber torsion axle independent suspension 14-inch wheels and radial tires 10-inch electric drum brakes and the overall low travel profile of the folded-down body that makes this unit tow and track so well. To protect the underbelly from any kicked-up road debris the underside is dressed with aluminum sheet metal. Major Standard Features. Independent suspension rubber torsion axles double entrance steps four scissor jacks 110-volt outside receptacle three porch lights 12-volt demand water system city water hook-up auto-ignition gas electric water heater three-way refrigerator 20 000-BTU furnace twin 20-gallon LPG tanks monitor panel granite-look countertops stainless steel kitchen sink spare tire and carrier outside shower TV cable outlet park cable and phone jack maple cabinet doors. there is a 30-gallon wastewater tank for the lavy shower tub and galley sink. Major Optional Features. That it does have Roof air conditioner with heater awning TV antenna with power amplifier hanging kitchen cabinet electric tongue jack three-drawer dresser



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