Avon Stock

I have alot of avon perfumes and colognes that i want to get rid of. also some Anew eye creams lipstick and nail polish. Ive got 1 secret to keep kiss a secret to keep midnight 2 haiku 12 ea 2 Ultra Sexy Lace sets with bodywash and body lotion 25 a set 1 flor violeta with bodywash and body lotion 30 2 faraway 15ea 1 rare gold 12 1rare Diamonds 15. 1Imari for 12. 1 memerize mens cologne 2 Black Suede 1 Wild country with after shave conditioner 1 untouchable cologne with body spray for 25.and the newest scents for her and him avon Attraction 60 for two sets.and various other beauty items. PLEASE Note all Prices are plus tax



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