Translation , proofreading , interpretat

I want to express my interest to have such cooperation opportunity in such a great Firm like yours, I am qualified enough to deserve being an effective member in your facility, sharing you that moment of hard work and also enjoying together its inevitable result, success. I am a translator and I have been doing this job for more seventeen years. I have been working as a freelancer with different clients and provided them with English and Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Persian translation, tranion, proofreading and localization for application, websites and software. During my career, I have had the opportunity to develop my skills in translating in different fields like legal, medical, general, technical, media, software. I also can use all required software and translation tools. E-mail: syed [email protected] Whatsapp: 91-9911024715 Mob: 91-7011460391 Skype:



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