1966 Ford Fairlane GTA

If you have any questions or would like to view the car in person please email me at louettafiscal(at)netzero.net . This is a true S-Code big block Automatic that has just undergone a complete restoration. This restoration began with a super solid original car that was keep in storage for over 20 years. There are no rust issues with this Fairlane GTA The restoration included the following New Emberglo Paint 2 Stage Paint 1. Re-chromed Front & Rear Bumpers 2. New Gas Tank 3. New fuel lines 4. New Brakes 5. New Headliner 6. Console refurbished & re-chromed 7. New rubber seals (where needed) 8. New Tail Lights 9. New Door Panels (front & rear) 10. New front arm rests. 11. New Springs and Shocks 12. New Ford 9 3.50 Posi Rear End Rebuilt 1. The original 390 CI motor. 2. The C6 Automatic Transmission 3. Holly Carburetor



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